Post by lx Spooner xl on Mar 31, 2006 6:07:57 GMT -8
im buying a bean bag chair in a few hours when wal mart opens..i think at walmart im going to buy a bean bag couch and then buy a super cofy bean bag chair at the bean bag store in the mall ...mwahahah my evil plan is almost complete.....
i need to go to the gym though..i havn't gone in a while...hmmm mabey i will go to the gym after i buy my chairs..thats odd i wonder why i am typing this i am going to type whatever comes to my mind and vill anything i dont think of with my trusty periods........................................................i like toast....................................................i wonder why she swallowed a fly.............................................................................mabey if i buy a bean bag couch mabey somebody other than he who jess will comeover and mabey i forget........................i was trying to oput tinifoil on my window in my bedroom to make it darker when i sleep but i broke it now i dont have a window...i am going to make a rorgy rant about that...thats a good i dea i will do that when i get tired of typing...........................................i wonder why stender is in the clan, nobody seems to like him and he isn't very good and everygame seems to be quote"the worst game of hislife" or "im not trying" even though its obvious it is becayuse he makes posts about how the teams are unfair, i mean its not their fault if they wanna do good at mlg dont punish them for it, i wonder if anybody read that ill feel bad then i will laugh if i get in trouble...sign i always get in trouble here , thats why i hate halo , its so dranma with people cheating and such blahblahblah and goign back to the clan issue for a moment (let me just make myuself clear that i dont have anyu desire to be in it anymore im just notting some unfairness) from what i remember ...i have a piss poor memory...i was botted because i was not up to tdc standards..but if i was booted because of that then shouldn't stender be booted because i am better than my computer is really slow it takes like 10 seconds for my screen to respond to the words that i type right now as i type this my computer is just showing the words "my screen blahblahblah"....................................i farted and it stinks..........................if anybody read this far i will give them 10 cents...................what else getting promoted at 711, and another pay raise, they wanna send me to a place called the university of 711 for some courses about management..that sounds reheeaallyy boring,.................halo isn't as fun as it used to is 630 in the morning i cant get my bean bag chair until at least 8am...i wonder how many characters u can fit into one of these..i guess im going to find out.....................................................ohohohohoh i finished reading the first halo book...the fall of reach, it was very interesting, it woudl make a cool special effects movie, however i didn't like the differences abetween thte book and the game..for one in the book it says that the grunts come at u 1000000 at a time until ur ammo is the game mabey 10 at the most come at yuear ,.,,,im sure that is because of the xbox cant handle that many but still....and in teh book there is thies sciency covenant guy and i think he was supposd to be in halo 2 because in the specuial edition dvd there is a guy named the engineer, and also in ,y special edition manual it mentions the engineerbut he isn't in the game...thats ood isn't it! has only abeen 2 its 632 now..oh man im bored.....if anybody has read this far i will give them 10 dollars.....i am so sick of halo that i honestly dont care if i get banned from these forums for saying what i said earlyer in this post, i hope i get warning points from it, but im just telling the truth, and i know for a bloody fact that i am not the only one who thinks that was..a few ex members and normal members and a numberous number off staff think the same way about stender as i do, hell i bet there is already a thread in teh staff board if there isn't i would cut my nuts off because yea im cool that way, ohohoh anopther person i dont like is nobody, he always acts like he is the overloard, but he isn't hes just a dick, ............the time is now 3:35 i type fast but i dont care how i spell u know? as long as most of what i say gets okay with it................wanna know whats funny i could havge nevermind, that was to risky i would have gotten made fun of a hella lot if i said wahat i was thinking right there..oh boy howdy........................................wanna know whats weird? is this probly isn't the longest post somebody on here has written, its probly the most offence psot to a few people that post on these fourms and plrobly the one that makes the least ammount of sence but its steill pretty its 637 am oh my god im so fucking bored.................................i am wondering if i should erase everything that doesn't involve people and just put in the offensive stuff.i mean comeon i am probly just saying alot of the things some of u were just dying to say but couldn't make another point about somebvody...roggie, i fuckign hate him he is a fucking moron i dont like him ...i hvavn't really played him in halo much so i can't really comment on his skill but i do know that he takes some of myokes..i mean comeon my jokes are all i have to go on right now, guess who i a right now guess,,guess guesgeussguessguess!!!quote "i go to work for 4 hours a day and then i lay awake at night dreaming to play with u" if u give up i think stender said somelit..umm damn buffer ill just start that sentance over....stender said something like that and all i have to say to that is...WHO GIV...WHO GIVES A FLYUING FUCK I WORK 40HOURS A WEEK..THATS 8 HOURS A DAY 5 DAYS A WEEK AT NIGHT SO WHILE U GUYS ARE HAVING FUN PLAYING HALO I AM WORKING AND WHEN U GUYS ARE AT SCHOOL I AM SLEEPING OR WORKING...SOMETING ALONG THOSE LINES...IF I SAY SOMETHING THAT DOEN'ST MAKE SENCE ITS BECAUSE I HAVE A SLOW COMPUER AND RIGHT NOW THE THING IT IS TYPING IS THE STENDER WQUOPTES SO IF I SAY SOMETHING THAT DOESNT MAKE SENCE AND I KNOW IT AS IM TYPING I WILL PUT A FEW DOTS AND START THAT SENTANCE AGAIN ........NOW WHERE WAS I............................I FORGET I DONT KNOW WHAT ELSE I HAVE TO SAY ABOUT PEOPLE THAT U KNOW..I CANT BELIVE I AM GOIGN TO POST THIS I WONDER IF I GET WARNING POINTS..THAT WOULD BE COOL, SURE I CARE A LITTLE BUT IM SURE I WOULD SLEEP TONIGHT IF I GOT BANNED..right stender!!..shit caps lock was on..damn tha...those lines wont be as cool with caps lock on ...oh well....ill still sleep tonight if i get banned......but i doubt anyubody would read this far..xcept tyler..calico..hes cool he would probly laugh at some of the things i have said....tjs pretty cool he just really pissy really fast..brandons ok hes to nice everybody......i like toast...holy shit dude its 644 much shit can u type in these thingswow i am so far ahead of my buffer the last thign it tyuped was ""//...the last thing i typed was when i as explaining about if i make a mistake and put dots...oh my god..i need a new computer..;mabey i will save up a few pay cheques and get anice laptop then i can watch in my bedrorm and then i can get a linu system that i can use the full potential of because right now im barely running a deskto p because my computer is so shit, there are so many things u that u can do with a linux desktop...there is a way u can make ur desktop react like water, i was reading this article on a four..on a fourm i post on and it was a tutorial to..that would make ur desktop wallpaper behave like water, in other words when u moved your mouse over the desktop a trail of water would foloo..would follow it itscool, even the screen savers on linux are cooler than window however u do need a pretty decent graphics card to view the coolest because they use open gl,therres this funny text one that brings up this fake purge of your computer and basicly it types in all the linux commands nessesary to purge ur computer and hardrive of all memory..i was going to try it but i chikened out.....omy god i wonder if i have written the longest post yet..and its funny really becausethis started out as a bean..this started out as a 2 line post about me buying a pean bag chair in a few hours...i am goign to rename the tittle to rorgy rant volume 9..i think its volume 9, anyways the new title for this thread is going to be something along the lines of rorgy rant volume9/bean bag i am four minutes ahead of my buffer because where the buffer is is where the time showed it tiped the time is 644 and its now going to go get some food and wait for it to catch up because my findgers are damn tired...wait one more thing, wtf is up chiefs ass this morning, did he get up on the wrong side of the beca..because in the chuck norris post i totally powed everybody and he ripped my nuts off and said..GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS THREAD IF U DONT LIKE IT..take the dick out of your ass, oh and bfore i go and grab some food i am going to sayt his...i dont understand what everybodys problem with me and my BEST FUCKING FRIEND jesse is, so were close big fucking i m going to get is 651am..................................i changed my mind there isn't zny..i changed my mind there isn't anyuthing i want..i am still going to wait for my slow co..fuck i dont know what i just typed...i am going to wait for my slow computer to catch up so wy i type i can actually read...mabey i will preview this so i can see ho long it is...*waits***&*..taking is 653....i will post the time that it cates up then tell u how long it took...653am..start END 707am..holy shit that took forever i will now previe wthis
i need to go to the gym though..i havn't gone in a while...hmmm mabey i will go to the gym after i buy my chairs..thats odd i wonder why i am typing this i am going to type whatever comes to my mind and vill anything i dont think of with my trusty periods........................................................i like toast....................................................i wonder why she swallowed a fly.............................................................................mabey if i buy a bean bag couch mabey somebody other than he who jess will comeover and mabey i forget........................i was trying to oput tinifoil on my window in my bedroom to make it darker when i sleep but i broke it now i dont have a window...i am going to make a rorgy rant about that...thats a good i dea i will do that when i get tired of typing...........................................i wonder why stender is in the clan, nobody seems to like him and he isn't very good and everygame seems to be quote"the worst game of hislife" or "im not trying" even though its obvious it is becayuse he makes posts about how the teams are unfair, i mean its not their fault if they wanna do good at mlg dont punish them for it, i wonder if anybody read that ill feel bad then i will laugh if i get in trouble...sign i always get in trouble here , thats why i hate halo , its so dranma with people cheating and such blahblahblah and goign back to the clan issue for a moment (let me just make myuself clear that i dont have anyu desire to be in it anymore im just notting some unfairness) from what i remember ...i have a piss poor memory...i was botted because i was not up to tdc standards..but if i was booted because of that then shouldn't stender be booted because i am better than my computer is really slow it takes like 10 seconds for my screen to respond to the words that i type right now as i type this my computer is just showing the words "my screen blahblahblah"....................................i farted and it stinks..........................if anybody read this far i will give them 10 cents...................what else getting promoted at 711, and another pay raise, they wanna send me to a place called the university of 711 for some courses about management..that sounds reheeaallyy boring,.................halo isn't as fun as it used to is 630 in the morning i cant get my bean bag chair until at least 8am...i wonder how many characters u can fit into one of these..i guess im going to find out.....................................................ohohohohoh i finished reading the first halo book...the fall of reach, it was very interesting, it woudl make a cool special effects movie, however i didn't like the differences abetween thte book and the game..for one in the book it says that the grunts come at u 1000000 at a time until ur ammo is the game mabey 10 at the most come at yuear ,.,,,im sure that is because of the xbox cant handle that many but still....and in teh book there is thies sciency covenant guy and i think he was supposd to be in halo 2 because in the specuial edition dvd there is a guy named the engineer, and also in ,y special edition manual it mentions the engineerbut he isn't in the game...thats ood isn't it! has only abeen 2 its 632 now..oh man im bored.....if anybody has read this far i will give them 10 dollars.....i am so sick of halo that i honestly dont care if i get banned from these forums for saying what i said earlyer in this post, i hope i get warning points from it, but im just telling the truth, and i know for a bloody fact that i am not the only one who thinks that was..a few ex members and normal members and a numberous number off staff think the same way about stender as i do, hell i bet there is already a thread in teh staff board if there isn't i would cut my nuts off because yea im cool that way, ohohoh anopther person i dont like is nobody, he always acts like he is the overloard, but he isn't hes just a dick, ............the time is now 3:35 i type fast but i dont care how i spell u know? as long as most of what i say gets okay with it................wanna know whats funny i could havge nevermind, that was to risky i would have gotten made fun of a hella lot if i said wahat i was thinking right there..oh boy howdy........................................wanna know whats weird? is this probly isn't the longest post somebody on here has written, its probly the most offence psot to a few people that post on these fourms and plrobly the one that makes the least ammount of sence but its steill pretty its 637 am oh my god im so fucking bored.................................i am wondering if i should erase everything that doesn't involve people and just put in the offensive stuff.i mean comeon i am probly just saying alot of the things some of u were just dying to say but couldn't make another point about somebvody...roggie, i fuckign hate him he is a fucking moron i dont like him ...i hvavn't really played him in halo much so i can't really comment on his skill but i do know that he takes some of myokes..i mean comeon my jokes are all i have to go on right now, guess who i a right now guess,,guess guesgeussguessguess!!!quote "i go to work for 4 hours a day and then i lay awake at night dreaming to play with u" if u give up i think stender said somelit..umm damn buffer ill just start that sentance over....stender said something like that and all i have to say to that is...WHO GIV...WHO GIVES A FLYUING FUCK I WORK 40HOURS A WEEK..THATS 8 HOURS A DAY 5 DAYS A WEEK AT NIGHT SO WHILE U GUYS ARE HAVING FUN PLAYING HALO I AM WORKING AND WHEN U GUYS ARE AT SCHOOL I AM SLEEPING OR WORKING...SOMETING ALONG THOSE LINES...IF I SAY SOMETHING THAT DOEN'ST MAKE SENCE ITS BECAUSE I HAVE A SLOW COMPUER AND RIGHT NOW THE THING IT IS TYPING IS THE STENDER WQUOPTES SO IF I SAY SOMETHING THAT DOESNT MAKE SENCE AND I KNOW IT AS IM TYPING I WILL PUT A FEW DOTS AND START THAT SENTANCE AGAIN ........NOW WHERE WAS I............................I FORGET I DONT KNOW WHAT ELSE I HAVE TO SAY ABOUT PEOPLE THAT U KNOW..I CANT BELIVE I AM GOIGN TO POST THIS I WONDER IF I GET WARNING POINTS..THAT WOULD BE COOL, SURE I CARE A LITTLE BUT IM SURE I WOULD SLEEP TONIGHT IF I GOT BANNED..right stender!!..shit caps lock was on..damn tha...those lines wont be as cool with caps lock on ...oh well....ill still sleep tonight if i get banned......but i doubt anyubody would read this far..xcept tyler..calico..hes cool he would probly laugh at some of the things i have said....tjs pretty cool he just really pissy really fast..brandons ok hes to nice everybody......i like toast...holy shit dude its 644 much shit can u type in these thingswow i am so far ahead of my buffer the last thign it tyuped was ""//...the last thing i typed was when i as explaining about if i make a mistake and put dots...oh my god..i need a new computer..;mabey i will save up a few pay cheques and get anice laptop then i can watch in my bedrorm and then i can get a linu system that i can use the full potential of because right now im barely running a deskto p because my computer is so shit, there are so many things u that u can do with a linux desktop...there is a way u can make ur desktop react like water, i was reading this article on a four..on a fourm i post on and it was a tutorial to..that would make ur desktop wallpaper behave like water, in other words when u moved your mouse over the desktop a trail of water would foloo..would follow it itscool, even the screen savers on linux are cooler than window however u do need a pretty decent graphics card to view the coolest because they use open gl,therres this funny text one that brings up this fake purge of your computer and basicly it types in all the linux commands nessesary to purge ur computer and hardrive of all memory..i was going to try it but i chikened out.....omy god i wonder if i have written the longest post yet..and its funny really becausethis started out as a bean..this started out as a 2 line post about me buying a pean bag chair in a few hours...i am goign to rename the tittle to rorgy rant volume 9..i think its volume 9, anyways the new title for this thread is going to be something along the lines of rorgy rant volume9/bean bag i am four minutes ahead of my buffer because where the buffer is is where the time showed it tiped the time is 644 and its now going to go get some food and wait for it to catch up because my findgers are damn tired...wait one more thing, wtf is up chiefs ass this morning, did he get up on the wrong side of the beca..because in the chuck norris post i totally powed everybody and he ripped my nuts off and said..GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS THREAD IF U DONT LIKE IT..take the dick out of your ass, oh and bfore i go and grab some food i am going to sayt his...i dont understand what everybodys problem with me and my BEST FUCKING FRIEND jesse is, so were close big fucking i m going to get is 651am..................................i changed my mind there isn't zny..i changed my mind there isn't anyuthing i want..i am still going to wait for my slow co..fuck i dont know what i just typed...i am going to wait for my slow computer to catch up so wy i type i can actually read...mabey i will preview this so i can see ho long it is...*waits***&*..taking is 653....i will post the time that it cates up then tell u how long it took...653am..start END 707am..holy shit that took forever i will now previe wthis